10-ton trailer with a folding gooseneck and shunting system. This semi-trailer has been specially built on the wishes of a customer. This way is ideal for saving meters on the marketplace. There is a place of 8.4 meters for the sales place on the market and in this way a sales area of 8 meters is being kept. So no more difficult gooseneck that stands in the way.
Unique is also the way the gooseneck collapses, the head folds down by means of a smart system. No one can run into it.
The semi-trailer is also equipped with a maneuvering system which considerably simplifies the placement of the semi-trailer on the market place. As a result, no more turning is required with the tractor for the trailer. The sales car can be put in a much cleaner place.
To level the semi-trailer, two hydraulic support feet are mounted at the rear.
Perhaps superfluous to mention but of course the trailer is equipped with air suspension with a bag function.